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Updated Covid-19 Information: April 19

Dear Valued Patient

We hope you and your families have been staying safe and well.

We have almost returned to the same office hours and staff levels we had prior to March 2020 while continuing to practice safe social distancing and following strict CDC protocols. We are using masks at all times and following intense disinfection protocols to decrease overall risk of exposure.

We still ask that all new and returning patients fill out an updated medical and insurance history form here prior to arriving at the office. You may print and bring this with you to your appointment or email it to us ahead of time to We will also ask for your updated medical insurance card at the time of your visit.

We are continuing to limit the number of patients in the office at one time. When you arrive at our office, please call us at 972-478-0550 and we will welcome you at the door and check your temperature. We ask that you refrain from bringing other family members who do not have an appointment unless absolutely necessary.

We will continue to deliver your contact lenses and completed glasses orders to you at your car if you prefer. If you need to have your glasses adjusted or see our optician when you pick them up, we are happy to schedule a brief pick-up time for you at 972-478-0550.

We also have a modified process for purchasing glasses. The optician will take charge of the selection process as we follow strict sanitation of gallery eyewear. You will need to keep your mask on until the final selection process. Before your final decision, the optician will take you to a special mask-free zone where you can remove your mask to see how the glasses look without your mask. We are trying to keep your time with the optician as short as possible to reduce overall risk.

We are doing our best to keep our staff and our patients safe but also still take care of our patients’ eye care needs. Thank you for patience and understanding while we work through these challenging times. We are happy to be getting back to providing you a more normal office experience and are eager to serve you.

Stay safe and be well,
Dr. Clark & Staff at Frisco In Focus