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Welcome, First Eye Care patients of Dr. Clark!

As of January 18, 2020, I am no longer employed with First Eye Care.  First Eye Care is going through its own transition in ownership and will now be known as MyEyeDr.  I started Frisco In Focus in December 2017 and have provided care to the surrounding community ever since.  I would be delighted for you to join me at my private practice, located at 11511 Independence Pkwy., Suite 102; Frisco, TX  75035, near the intersection of Eldorado and Independence in Frisco.  This location is approximately 10 miles north of my previous office.

You can request a transfer of your records to the new practice by going to on the Frisco In Focus website and printing out the Medical Records Release form under the Patients tab.  It can be faxed directly to MyEyeDr (formerly First Eye Care) at 972-867-5454.  This will ensure a smoother transition of your care, especially if you have a medical condition I have been following or wear specialty contact lenses.  If medical testing for your condition involves the use of a specialized piece of equipment that is not yet available at Frisco In Focus, you may be referred elsewhere for that test only (much like getting blood work done) and the results will be sent for me to interpret to make better decisions about your care.

You may also find information on the vision plans my office accepts for routine, annual wellness exams, and some the major medical insurances we accept for medical visits for cataracts, glaucoma, dry eye, eye infections, etc. on the website.  Please let us know the reason for your visit when you call so we can verify the proper insurance for your need.

If due to the location or circumstances you are unable to stay with me, you may also continue your eye care at MyEyeDr (formerly First Eye Care) or I may be able to suggest a qualified colleague closer to where you live or work.

Again, I cherish your friendship and the trust you have placed in me over the past years and hope we continue together in the future.

Kari Clark, O.D.

Frisco In Focus
