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In the summer, we often remember to apply sunscreen to ourselves and our children, but have you remembered to protect your eyes? Sunglasses play a pivotal role in blocking harmful UV rays from hurting the eyes to reducing the aging effects and wrinkles around the eyes.

Here are some helpful tips to choosing the right pair.

UV 400 Protection– Your sunglasses should block 99-100% of UV-A and UV-B rays. UV rays are present even on cloudy days.  A common myth is that darker lenses give better UV protection, but this is not true.

Fit – Sunglasses should fit the face. If the glasses fit well, they will shield the eye and skin around the eye from sunlight. If they wrap around the face, they can also protect the eyes from wind and dust.


Polarized Lenses – If you like to drive, fish, play golf, or participate in water sports, you will want polarized lenses. Polarized lenses block distracting glare from reflective surfaces and make it easier to concentrate on what matters most.

Tint- Tint color should be chosen based on the main purpose for which you are using your glasses. Make sure you tell your optician so that he/she can help you to make the best decision.